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Levey, A. S. & Coresh, J. Chronic kidney disease. Lancet 379, 165–180. (2012). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Kovesdy, C....

Prediabetes is a growing epidemic in the United States, affecting more than one in three adults.  The good news, however,...

Inker LA, Astor BC, Fox CH, Isakova T, Lash JP, Peralta CA, et al. KDOQI US commentary on the 2012...

Metformin is the most commonly prescribed glucose-lowering medicine in the world, and it is frequently used as a first-line treatment...

Metformin is a popular prescription drug that is used as a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes and sometimes prescribed...

Ozempic and Victoza are both glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists that are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. ...

Brosius, F. C. III. et al. Detection of chronic kidney disease in patients with or at increased risk of cardiovascular...

Standl, E. et al. The global epidemics of diabetes in the 21st century: Current situation and perspectives. Eur. J. Prev....

New research, which will be presented tomorrow at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2024, has discovered a genetic variant almost exclusive...

When it comes to eating with diabetes, much of the focus is on carbohydrates, and with good reason. After all,...

Your blood glucose (sugar) levels are a critical part of your overall health and your body’s ability to function properly....

Metformin is a cornerstone in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, long used for its effectiveness in managing blood sugar...