World Diabetes Day is November 14th, and every other day

I think it’s lovely that diabetes like heart disease, HIV and probably Siberian huskies with pink paws gets its own special day of recognition. If you are doing something to bring greater awareness to what it’s like to live with diabetes, I applaud you. Keep going.

I recently was part of the #dedoc Voices, an incredibly vibrant group of people living with diabetes who gathered from around the world for the recent EASD conference in Hamburg and ISPAD conference in Rotterdam. Respectively that’s Germany and the Netherlands.

I made this mini shout out to how many years I’ve been living with type 1, 51. Not riveting, tis true and no cliffhanger, but hey. And now you know the photo above is the Joslin medal for 50 courageous years.

I will continue to give a shout out to those of us who live with this condition. To help educate, help people get access to vital medicine and help encourage health professionals to treat us like people, not machines.

I do this every day just by living with my condition, I don’t have to be on a stage. Because while it’s nice for diabetes to have its own day once a year, we still have it the other 364, and now that I’m of a certain age that’s over 20,000.