Vigorous Exercise Safe for HCM Patients

The long awaited results of the LIVE-HCM study have now been published.

HCM previously blogged about the study in March when they were first announced at the American College of Cardiology meetings.

This study followed 1534 HCM patients between the ages of 8 and 60,. Most participated in various forms of exercise over the three year period of the study, such as running, swimming and basketball.  The study also included 126 participants who carried a gene associated with HCM, but did not show overt signs of the disease. 42% of study participants exercised vigorously, 43% exercised moderately, and 16% were not active.

Contrary to an older school of thought which cautioned against vigorous exercise in HCM patients, the results of the study showed NO increase in cardiac arrests, ventricular arrhythmia or fainting among the vigorous exercisers, disproving the long held assumption that vigorous exercise was dangerous for patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  Also, the study found no cardiac events occurring among the group who only carried a gene for HCM but did not have the disease.