The Latin-American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH) has joined the ISN as a Collective-member society, strengthening a mutual commitment to advancing kidney care in the Latin America region.
The ISN has collaborated on many initiatives with the SLANH, including the recent World Congress of Nephrology 2024 (WCN’24) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a series of webinars in Spanish, which are available at the ISN Academy.
In addition, the ISN and the SLANH jointly support fellows from the Latin American region. These fellowships are open to applicants who are members of both organizations and wish to train for up to three months at a Regional Training Center in Latin America. The next deadline for these fellowships is May 1. Apply here.
Collective-member society status increases global activity and visibility through ISN endorsement, priority consideration for managing joint events, and complimentary participation in the Global Kidney Village at WCN.
Individual SLANH members will enjoy the full benefits of ISN membership for a tailored fee, including access to ISN Journals and the ISN Academy and special rates for events.
The ISN looks forward to continuing to work closely with the SLANH to advance kidney health in Latin America and beyond.
The ISN now has 31 Collective-member societies, further strengthening its central role within the international nephrology community.
Join the ISN as a Collective-member society to benefit your organization and its members. Contact us at for more information.