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The ISN Supports Groundbreaking Advances in Addressing Transplantation Issues at the 77th World Health Assembly – International Society of Nephrology

The ISN attended the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) from May 27 to June 1, 2024. The theme was All for Health, Health for All.

At the assembly, Member States adopted a groundbreaking resolution on increasing availability, ethical access and oversight of transplantation of human cells, tissues and organs. This agreement endorses the updated World Health Organization (WHO) guiding principles on human cell, tissue, and organ transplantation 

Read the resolution here 

As a non-State actor in official relations with the WHO, the ISN, alongside other signatories, welcomed the resolution and presented a constituency statement to governments emphasizing the importance of prioritizing cost-effective transplant treatments within national health systems.  

Access the statement here 

The statement highlights the need to:  

  • Evaluate both patients and donors 
  • Provide clear information on risks and benefits  
  • Maintain registries for treatment data collection 
  • Establish biovigilance systems before considering xenotransplantation support 

This resolution is expected to be discussed at the January 2026 WHO Executive Board meeting before seeking approval at the 2026 WHA. 

The ISN looks forward to working closely with decision-making authorities and partners to develop and support the resolution implementation strategy.