The ISN Advocates for Improved Dialysis Provision During Crises at the WHO Global High-Level Technical Meeting on NCDs in Humanitarian Settings – International Society of Nephrology

ISN Renal Disaster Preparedness Working Group members Ali Abu-Alfa (chair), Serhan Tuglular (deputy chair), Valerie Luyckx, Raymond Verholder and Hussein Haboub presented at the side event.

Discussions focused on:

  • Identifying risks during disasters
  • Addressing logistical challenges for dialysis provision
  • Sharing personal experiences from healthcare professionals and patients, emphasizing also the impact on mental health

Experts emphasized the necessity for:

  • Implementing resilient planning strategies
  • Addressing monopolization in dialysis supplies to enhance accessibility
  • Establishing a robust framework tailored to humanitarian settings

The ISN remains committed to advocating for improved dialysis care during crises, emphasizing the urgency of prioritizing kidney failure patients.