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Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a sudden onset of kidney damage or failure occurring over a short period, ranging from...

For more than 45 years, the NKF has been a dedicated advocate for renal patients. What sets us apart is...

Shivam Joshi, MD, is an adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and practices...

 While we were driving to Rochester last night, Babygirl pulled up her MyChart to see if there were results in...

If you’ve been scheduled for a kidney biopsy, you’re probably feeling a mixture of curiosity and concern. This procedure can...

Experimental animals Figure 1 illustrates the experimental and workflow of FKN detection. WKY rats were purchased from Changsha Tianqin Biotechnology Co.,...

Koomans HA, Roos JC, Boer P, Geyskes GG, Mees EJ. Salt sensitivity of blood pressure in chronic renal failure. Evidence...

Our study integrated and analyzed Korean-representative cohorts and demonstrated that the UACR correlated positively with TG and TC and negatively...

Antibodies Antibodies against OTUD5 (#21002-1-AP), FLAG-Tag (#20543-1-AP), HA-Tag (#51064-2-AP), His-Tag (#66005-1-IG), Rabbit IgG (#30000-0-AP), Mouse IgG (#B900620) were purchased from...

MN is the major cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. The etiology of approximately 80% of MN cases is idiopathic....

This is a guest post by Maritza Job Giordano, 37. Maritza was diagnosed with stage 2 renal cell carcinoma in 2023. She lives...

Nedeva, C. et al. TREML4 receptor regulates inflammation and innate immune cell death during polymicrobial sepsis. Nat. Immunol. 21(12), 1585–1596....