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By Nadia Al-Samarrie The holidays are never an easy time for people with diabetes. Temptations loom everywhere with family and...

As the summer season is here, people with diabetes must pay extra attention to their health and well-being. The combination...

Diabetes Core Update is a monthly podcast that presents and discusses the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes...

Shivam Joshi, MD, is an adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and practices...

Our study integrated and analyzed Korean-representative cohorts and demonstrated that the UACR correlated positively with TG and TC and negatively...

Antibodies Antibodies against OTUD5 (#21002-1-AP), FLAG-Tag (#20543-1-AP), HA-Tag (#51064-2-AP), His-Tag (#66005-1-IG), Rabbit IgG (#30000-0-AP), Mouse IgG (#B900620) were purchased from...

T1D Exchange was honored to join top scientists, providers, and industry experts in the diabetes space from June 21-24 at...

If you’re following a keto lifestyle and have a sweet tooth, this keto strawberry jam is the perfect way to...

WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC Previous randomised controlled trials have shown the efficacy and safety of fixed-dose combination...

Chebib FT, Torres VE. Autosomal Dominant polycystic kidney disease: core curriculum 2016. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(5):792–810. Article  PubMed  Google...

Clinical characteristics of the participants stratified by sex and eGFR The clinical characteristics of the study participants stratified by sex...

Bello AK, Okpechi IG, Osman MA, Cho Y, Cullis B, Htay H, Jha V, Makusidi MA, McCulloch M, Shah N,...