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How We Are Making a Difference, If you go online to research heart palpitations, you might find more technical language...

Introduction Though an infrequent occurrence, NSF mostly affects people with a renal-related ailment, which is a severe and progressive fibrosing...

This is a guest post by Joshua Silva, a fitness enthusiast and creator (@joshsilva7 on Instagram) who was diagnosed with...

Lv, J. C. & Zhang, L. X. Prevalence and disease burden of chronic kidney disease. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 1165,...

PLGA-PEG construction Modification of PLGA Five milligrams of PLGA-COOH (Resomer RG504H 38,000–54,000 MW; 719,900-5G, Millipore Sigma, Burlington, MA) was weighed into...

Trump’s is Not the Only Trial To me, it was a logical jump from the legal actions for and about kidneys...

Download Slidedeck Background: We live in a nation rich with an endless variety of customs and traditions.  Those practices affect...

Editor’s Note: We asked authors of Original Investigations to provide short plain-language summaries that would briefly summarize what inspired their...

The standard of care for patients with intermediate/high risk kidney cancer is surgery to remove the entire kidney (radical nephrectomy)...

T1D Exchange was honored to join top scientists, providers, and industry experts in the diabetes space from June 21-24 at...

NephU is happy to celebrate our 4th anniversary! Join To View Already A Member? Login Join NephU today at no...

It is only human to have lots of fears around your child’s chronic condition. After all, part of your job...