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By Nadia Al-Samarrie The holidays are never an easy time for people with diabetes. Temptations loom everywhere with family and...

As the summer season is here, people with diabetes must pay extra attention to their health and well-being. The combination...

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a sudden onset of kidney damage or failure occurring over a short period, ranging from...

If you’ve been scheduled for a kidney biopsy, you’re probably feeling a mixture of curiosity and concern. This procedure can...

Antibodies Antibodies against OTUD5 (#21002-1-AP), FLAG-Tag (#20543-1-AP), HA-Tag (#51064-2-AP), His-Tag (#66005-1-IG), Rabbit IgG (#30000-0-AP), Mouse IgG (#B900620) were purchased from...

Experimental animals Figure 1 illustrates the experimental and workflow of FKN detection. WKY rats were purchased from Changsha Tianqin Biotechnology Co.,...

Koomans HA, Roos JC, Boer P, Geyskes GG, Mees EJ. Salt sensitivity of blood pressure in chronic renal failure. Evidence...

Data Our dataset consisted of three cohorts of retrospective data of routine clinical processes collected from two different hospital systems...

Our study integrated and analyzed Korean-representative cohorts and demonstrated that the UACR correlated positively with TG and TC and negatively...

This is a guest post by Maritza Job Giordano, 37. Maritza was diagnosed with stage 2 renal cell carcinoma in 2023. She lives...

How We Are Making a Difference, The Transitional Heart Failure Clinic (THFC) at South Denver Cardiology Associates provides comprehensive care...

Despite the existence of well-established risk factors and effective pharmacological treatments for major cardiovascular disease (CVD), these conditions remain among...