Sometimes you just cannot donate an organ | – Give a Kidney – be an altruistic donor

When I decided to donate one of my kidneys to a stranger, part of the decision was based on the fact that there was no way I could guarantee donating after death. I mean it all depends on how and where you die as to whether your organs are recoverable.

What I did not bank on was finding out that I could no longer donate blood. That the chances of me being able to donate an organ after death, was remote. Why, because I had cancer. I had breast cancer recently and hopefully the mastectomy and tablets will prevent me from ever getting it again. But when I found out it affected donating – that really upset me. At the same time, though……. I felt so pleased, so happy, so grateful that I had been able to at least donate one of my kidneys before the nasty C descended.

So now, I take oestrogen suppressing tablets each day for around 5 years. Downside is that the menopause which I have already been through, is back 🙂 :). It is getting to winter so I clap my hands that I have my own built in central heating system and will save money on my energy bills. I knew something good had to come out of all this 🙂 🙂

God is watching over me. He gives me the strength I need to stay calm. Keep smiling and be thankful.

I am also forever grateful to our amazing NHS for helping to save my life and kicking that big C into the kerb. Thank you!! xxx
