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Recapping the 82K Regional Challenge: Austin – Kidney Cancer Association

Team Captain Annamaria Scaccia (center) with patient advocates John Ferrell (member, KCA Patient & Caregiver Advisory Council) and Katie Coleman (Founder of Kidney COA, a KCA Affiliate Partner).

Team – 82K Regional Challenge: Austin

Team Captain – Annamaria Scaccia, 2-time cancer survivor and Member, KCA’s Patient & Caregiver Advisory Council

Location – CycleBar in Cedar Park, Texas

Date – June 8, 2024

Attendees: 14

Fundraising Goal – $1,000

Amount Raised – $1,435

Activity – Indoor cycling and strength training

Event Highlights – Hearing how much fun people had in the cycling class, and how proud they were of themselves for being bale to make it through 82 minutes.

What advice do you have for other event captains?

  • Get started with planning as early as possible
  • Scout event locations early
  • Have an official committee in place to help

Final Comments

To me, survivorship advocacy is about creating a community of solidarity, strength, and hope. And these regional 82K Challenge fundraisers have been a testament to the power of collective action and support. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be part of this journey, and I’m excited to do it again next year. With one exception — the Austin event will be even bigger and better.

Visit the 82K Regional Challenge: Austin event page.

Join the KCA’s 2024 82K Challenge or make a donation before June 20th!