Ranking of Factors Considered Important by Diabetes Providers Before Recommending Automate Insulin Delivery Systems

Ebekozien, O, Ospelt, E, Odugbesan, O, Clements, M, Rao, P, Guarneri, A, Kellis, M, Rapaport, R, Sonabend, R, Addala, A

Background and Aims: Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) has been demonstrated to improve glycemic outcomes, reduce acute complications, and improve quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes (PwT1D). This study aims to describe the relative importance of patient factors considered by diabetes providers in recommending AID to PwT1D.

Methods: A modified 24‐item Diabetes Provider Implicit Bias (D‐PIB) online survey was distributed between March 2023 – July 2023 to a cohort of diabetes providers within the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX‐QI). Providers ranked the importance of the following patient factors from most important (rank of 1) to least important (rank of 9); age, race/ethnicity, insurance, patient/family preference, prior insulin pump use, health literacy, patient/family income, self‐monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), and patient HbA1c. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and logistic regression models.

Results: The D‐PIB srvey was completed by 67 participants. 34% were adult providers, 89% from academic hospitals in urban regions with a mean age of 52 years and mean duration of practice of 9.7 years.

Adult providers ranked patient health literacy (mean rank 2.3), insurance coverage (mean rank 2.7) and prior insulin pump use (mean rank 4.5) in descending order as the three most important factors for recommending AID (figure 1A). Pediatric providers ranked patient/family preference (mean rank 1.9), insurance coverage (mean rank 3.4), and health literacy (mean rank 4.2) figure 1B. Patient race/ethnicity was ranked least important factor in recommending AID.

Conclusions: Understanding important factors for providers to recommend AID can in building targeted solutions to improve overall adoption and reduce inequities.

This abstract is listed as EV094/#824: Click here to read the full abstract