While SERO no longer offers CyberKnife treatment, SBRT and SRS can be performed utilizing many different treatment platforms at many of our centers. SERO offers expertise in all of these systems including Novalis Brainlab, Varian TruBeam, and Elekta Synergy. Our commitment to providing accurate and comprehensive information about all radiation oncology treatment options including CyberKnife, remains as relevant as ever.
Learn more about other types of stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SRS/SRBT) provided by SERO.
We encourage patients to research and explore the other innovative treatment options provided by SERO, and always discuss various possibilities with their physician. If you have any questions about alternatives to CyberKnife in treating your cancer, call (704) 380-0730 today or schedule a consultation.
- The Renal Warrior Project. Join Now
- Source: https://treatcancer.com/blog/cyberknife-therapy/