From Give a Kidney Charity:
“Ecclesiastical Movement for Good awards.
The campaign will see 500 charities each receiving a donation of £1,000!
Anyone can nominate a charity to win one of the awards. It’s quick and easy to do and we’d be so grateful if you could take a moment to nominate Give a Kidney.
As you may be aware, the quarterly matching runs have been put on hold during the current crisis and so more people than ever are waiting for the kidney transplant they so badly need. When it’s safe to re-start the programme, we will need to re-double our efforts to raise awareness of the need for more altruistic living donors to come forward. Whether acting as the key to ‘launching’ a chain or whether they donate direct to the person most in need on the NHS waiting list, we need these donors more than ever.
An award from the Movement for Good would help ensure we are in the right position to be most effective when the immediate danger has passed and current restrictions are lifted.
To nominate us for an award of £1,000, please visit and click ‘nominate a charity now’. Then enter our details. Our charity number is 1143576. The closing date for nominations is Sunday 24th May 2020.”
Thank you so much