Lancet : A 200 year old Idea and a process towards righteousness

Lancet : A 200 year old Idea and a process towards righteousness

It was 1823, a genesis of a new thought process in medical publication began. The man who started it all, Dr.Thomas Wakley the founder of the most famous medical journal (Ref 1)

One of his peers described him what sort of an Image he had. “Thomas Wakley the editor as we find him—a courageous challenger of the medical establishment who was usually right and whose language, however tasteless it might seem today, was well suited to the rough and tumble of the time in which he wrote and spoke”

Lancet celebrates 200 year anniversary

On this 200th anniversary Lancet , looks back ,introspects and redefine the agenda of medical profession. We need more and more people like Wakley in the current era.

The Lancet editorial team has come out with two clips one podcast and other a brief video for a total of 28 minutes . If you have enough patience to hear to this , you are probably in the right direction to understand what exactly is the purpose being a Doctor.

After going through the history of medicine through the lens of Lancet, and understanding its original motto, one thing is very clear. Science and research are vital for progression medical science . But, the least important enemy to handle for a healthy planet and mankind is not diseases and afflictions as such, but the unkind behaviour of biased power centres, skewed knowledge, and unhealthy & unequal practices of health care invention and delivery.

Final message

Doctors are primarily healers, all right; more importantly, they are guardians of goodness and justice in healthcare. For this, we need to “Wakleyse the medical education“, meaning, keep a watch always on the true aim and action of medical establishment under which you work . I know, this post might sound pessimistic for many of you, … but that’s where optimistic goals are hidden deep .


Thomas Wakley (1795–1862): a biographical sketch