Know your numbers – Transplant

If you would like to discuss your kidney diagnosis with our trained members of staff ring the free to call number 0800 169 0936.

The Helpline is open Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm 

Or you can E-mail us [email protected]

Why is knowing your numbers important?

Knowing your numbers will help you to:

  • Assess for yourself how well your treatment is going
  • Explain some of your symptoms
  • Know if your treatment needs changing
  • Compare your results with national targets

How do I find out my numbers?

You should be told your numbers by hospital staff when you attend for appointment or during a home visit. If not, ask for them. Staff should be able to discuss your numbers with you. 

Many hospitals in the UK can use a system called Pateints Know Best which shows your latest test results and can give you information about different diagnosis and treatments.  You can review your own results from anywhere you want, including an App on your phone.  There is more information about it on the website Pateints Know Best or ask your kidney doctor or nurse if your unit has signed up for using it.

What if the numbers are outside the normal range?

There are many reasons why one or more of your results may not be within the normal range. It is important that you ask the renal staff to explain to you the reasons why this has happened in your case. Discuss with them the best treatment for you – this will be based on the results of your tests and physical examination and on your individual needs. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or the health care team if you have any questions or problems.

Always check the local normal range for the numbers with staff as it may vary between hospitals, and alter the targets for some bloods.

What numbers are measured?

Creatinine: Creatinine is an important waste product removed by the kidney. A low level in the blood means the kidney is working well, a high level means the kidney is working less well. There is not a ‘normal’ range for creatinine in transplant patients but the average creatinine level in transplant patients is 150 µmol/L.

Haemoglobin: (Hb) is the substance in red blood cells which carries oxygen around the body. Too low a level of Hb is known as anaemia. Anaemia causes tiredness, shortness of breath and paleness – it may need treatment with iron or with erythropoietin (EPO) injections.

White cell count: White cells are found in the blood and are an important part of the body’s defence against infection. Too low a level can mean there is a risk of infection.

Potassium: is a mineral that is normally removed by the kidneys and by dialysis. Too high or low a potassium level may cause a disturbance to the rhythm of your heart.

Blood Pressure: is the pressure produced by the heart to pump blood around the body. Too high a blood pressure increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes and is treated by blood pressure tablets.

Weight: Weight gain occurs in almost everyone after a transplant. This is a good thing up to a point, because many people on dialysis are under their natural weight. However, excessive weight gain must be avoided.

Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a type of fat carried in the blood. Fatty narrowings of blood vessels which can cause heart attacks, are more likely to occur if the cholesterol level is too high.

Drug level: Some of the anti-rejection drugs prescribed to transplant patients work best when the concentration of the drug in the blood is in a target range, and individuals may need frequent dose changes to keep their blood level in this target range.

In 2013 a change has been made to the reporting of haemoglobin from grammes per decilitre to grammes per litre.  This means that a haemoglobin of 10.5 g/dl is now 105 g/l.  So multiply the old haemoglobin level by ten to get the new one.

The National Kidney Federation cannot accept responsibility for information provided. The above is for guidance only. Patients are advised to seek further information from their own doctor.