Giving All Gratitude….

 It’s barely noon, but it has been BUSY here.  Due to work and visitation schedules, we have 5 kids 4-13 here sans parents, some since Tuesday night, and some since 7:30 this morning. I’ve been up since 6:30 preparing a meal meant to be served at 12:30.  Since we blew a circuit breaker mid-turkey roast, there might be some delay.  All the kids have been helpful to some degree.  One grandson learned about piecrust. A granddaughter learned the value of a final recipe check: Pumpkin pie with no sugar would not have been a hit. It took two grandkids 20 minutes to search out the spices that were needed for that pie.  

I didn’t peel any potatoes.  Babygirl didn’t need to peel any apples.  For our sanity, they all went outdoors and scootered up and down the street.  

I’m grateful.  There are a large number of people locally who are without power due to a storm 2 days ago.  There are friends going through their first Thanksgiving without loved ones (Ana’s kidney donor’s family among them).  There are families who cannot get together. We are not all here, but we are enough. 
