Ginger Vieira’s new YouTube Channel, DiabetesNerd

I’ve known Ginger for as long as I’ve been in the diabetes space, and I implicitly trust her knowledge and experience. Diagnosed with type 1 at 13, she has more than 20 years of both, and has just launched a YouTube channel, DiabetesNerd. As her tagline goes she’s making the science simple for us. But don’t let the word “science” scare you. You’ll feel more like you’ve got a cheerleader in your corner who explains things well.

Ginger’s already uploaded about seven videos, from five to twelve minutes each on various topics. As much as I know, I found two immediately gave me new insights, one on Metformin for type 1s, as she uses it to dampen the Dawn Effect and Afrezza, inhaled insulin, which I considered long ago but maybe it’s time to consider again.

Ginger’s written hundreds of articles, several books, worked for a number of diabetes orgs and social media sites, has experimented on herself for two decades, is a champion power lifter and delivered two lovely healthy little girls. Take a look, I’m convinced we all need a diabetes nerd in our corner.