From CKD Stage 4 to Stage 3 In 5 Days (stop these toxins) – NHFKP

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Published on July 4th, 2023 | by Michaelw

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  • People with chronic kidney disease can improve their GFR (glomerular filtration rate).
  • There are five toxins that should be avoided by anyone with kidney problems.
  • Getting rid of these toxins can lead to an improvement in GFR.

# Kidneys as Filters

  • Kidneys act as filters, removing waste substances from the body.
  • Five substances/toxins should never be in our systems as they can damage the kidneys.

# Oxalates and Kidney Stones

  • Oxalates are natural compounds found in certain foods like spinach,
    rhubarb, beets, nuts, seeds, chocolate, tea, and wheat bread.
  • Oxalates may contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
  • Limiting high oxalate foods is not necessary for everyone with kidney disease.
  • Hydration and consuming more calcium can help reduce the risk of oxalate formations.

# Phosphorus Intake

  • High phosphorus intake needs to be limited by all kidney patients.
  • Excessive phosphorus intake can lead to muscle cramps, bone and
    joint problems, heart attacks, strokes, and faster declining kidney
  • Restricting phosphorus intake without monitoring phosphorus levels is not effective.
  • Limit consumption of meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and foods containing phosphate additives to control phosphorus levels.

# Plant-Based Foods Containing Phosphorus

  • Plant-based foods containing phosphorus do not need to be restricted for kidney patients.
  • This strategy works better than

Eating healthier can help with a lower GFR and kidney health. Studies
have shown that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline-producing
foods can stop the decline of GFR and even restore some of it in stage 4
kidney disease.

  • Choose foods that are good for your health and avoid acidic foods like meat, processed foods, and junk food.
  • Sodium bicarbonate is a medicine prescribed by nephrologists for people with kidney disease to manage metabolic acidosis.
  • Magnesium supplements can also help reduce acidity in the body and benefit those with kidney issues.

# The Impact of Sugar on Kidney Health

Sugar consumption should be limited, especially for those already
avoiding meat and dairy. Added sugar can lead to diabetes, insulin
spikes, inflammation, high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased
risk for heart and kidney problems.

  • A zero added sugar diet may be beneficial for some individuals.
  • Natural sugars found in fruits and veggies are not as harmful as added or processed sugars.

# The Keto Diet vs. Low GI Diet

The keto diet may have certain health benefits but is not recommended
for those with diabetes or kidney problems. A recent study compared the
keto diet to a low glycemic index (GI) personalized diet.

  • The low GI diet group had greater weight loss and improvements in cholesterol levels compared to the ketogenic diet group.
  • Limiting sugar and ultra-processed carb consumption can still provide benefits without the risks associated with the keto diet.

# Managing Creatinine Levels for Kidney Health

Creatinine is one of the main uremic toxins that can damage the
kidneys. Finding ways to naturally remove these toxins on a daily basis
is recommended.

  • Acacia fiber, derived from the acacia tree, has the ability to absorb toxins and can help improve GFR by removing creatinine.

Note: The transcript provided does not cover the entire video.

In this part of the video, the speaker mentions “replacement therapy” but does not provide any further information.

# Acacia Fiber Information

  • The speaker mentions that there is a link in the description where viewers can buy Acacia fiber from the Best Brands.
  • Viewers can also find all the information they need about Acacia fiber by checking out the provided link.

Tags: kidney

About the Author

Michaelw Hi, my name is Michael and in this blog I’m gonna share the story of how I got off kidney dialysis for good. Getting off dialysis isn’t easy at all, and that’s why I’m trying to help people as much as I can.