The ESRD Conditions for Coverage under the Condition for Patients’ rights at 42 CFR 494.70(a)(7) states that patients have the right to be informed about all treatments and settings. In 1978, the government authorized the ESRD Network Organization program to improve cost effectiveness, quality of care, encourage kidney transplantation and home dialysis, and help patients return to work. At first there were 32 ESRD Networks, then 17, and today there are 18. They are organized under these organizations:
The map shows which states are under each Network. CMS contracts with ESRD Networks for certain quality improvement activities (QIA). One QIA is to increase the use of home dialysis. I was curious to learn what resources Networks share with patients, dialysis clinics, and their staff about home dialysis. To find out, I reviewed the home dialysis content on all ESRD Network sites. I used search fields where available on websites and where not available, searched under headings. Below are the home dialysis resources I found. Click the hyperlinks to access the ESRD Network site and home dialysis resources on that site.
IPRO ESRD Network of New England – Network 1 (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
IPRO ESRD Network of New York – Network 2 (NY)
IPRO ESRD Network of the South Atlantic – Network 6 (GA, NC, SC)
ESRD Network of the Ohio River Valley – Network 9 (IN, KY, OH)
Under Patient & Family, click Patient Education to find these home dialysis resources:
Tools and Resources for New Dialysis Patients
Understand Your Treatment Options
Quality Insights
Quality Insights Renal Network 3 (NJ, PR, VI)
Under Patients & Families look for New Patients for multiple resources from the ESRD National Coordinating Center (more on NCC later). This Network’s Scope of Work includes Home Dialysis Quality Improvement Activity and has:
Quality Insights Renal Network 4 (DE, PA)
Under Patients & Families look for Patient Education.
Quality Insights Renal Network 5 (DC, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia)
Under Patients & Families” find text on options, plus:
Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG)
ESRD Network 7 (FL)
ESRD Network 13 (AR, LA, OK)
ESRD Network 15 (AZ, CO, NV, NM, UT, WY)
ESRD Network 17 (AS, GU, HI, NMI, N CA)
ESRD Network 18 (S CA)
From the HSAG ESRD Networks’ page, click Home Dialysis for multiple webinars:
See Treatment Options under Patients & Families to find:
Under Patient Education Resources
Consider Your Dialysis Choices: Choosing the Right Option for You!
Developed by the ESRD NCC LAN, this patient-friendly resource reviews different dialysis options and what needs to be considered for each one: English / Spanish (PDF)
See Dialysis Facility Resources
Let’s Talk: Home Dialysis Conversation Cards: Open a dialogue about home dialysis options, quality of life, family, schedule flexibly, travel, and diet. (ESRD NCC webpage)
Considering Home Dialysis During a COVID-19 Environment—An ESRD NCC patient Quickinar event for patients and providers (June 2020)
Reporting Home Training in CROWNWeb—This “how to” helps report home dialysis training information to CROWNWeb. Network 7, Network 15, Network 17.
What’s Your Plan?—What’s Your Plan to Increase the Number of Patients Transitioning Through the 7-Steps to Home Dialysis? walks you through the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle for moving your in-center patients through the steps to home dialysis training, including helpful examples for each course of the cycle. Network 7, Network 17 (PDF)
7 Steps to Home Dialysis Tracker (Excel) Use the Tracker to document each patient’s status as they transition from home dialysis interest to starting training.
Could Home Dialysis Be a Choice for Me?—Use this checklist to discuss home dialysis as a treatment option with patients to gauge interest, as well as to discuss patient interest with the Interdisciplinary Team during QAPI meetings. Network 7, Network 17 (PDF)
Tips for Engaging Patients When Hosting a Home Dialysis Lobby Day —This one-page tip sheet covers how to engage patients in a successful Home Dialysis Lobby Day. Network 7, Network 17 (PDF)
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) as a Permanent Access Option (PDF) (Network 7) One-page tool explains what PD is and helps a patient see if PD might be a viable option.
Use the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) QIA Monitoring Form to track education, interest, referrals, and transitions to home and for discussion of progress toward goals during QAPI meetings.
See Peer Mentoring Resources
Alliant Health Solutions
Alliant ESRD Network 8 (AL, MS, TN)
Qsource ESRD Networks
ESRD Network 10 (IL)
ESRD Network 12 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
This site has no search field, but you can find home dialysis resources in several places. You can view some PDFS, but must download to view and save others.
Under Resources, see Patient Stories for:
Under Providers, find Quality Improvement, then Quality Improvement Activities and look for Home Referral
Home Referral Resources:
Helpful Resources and Websites
AAKP Resources (multiple patient education links)
Spanish items are under Resources, then Dialysis Access and Treatment Options (Spanish):
Midwest Kidney Network
ESRD Network 11 (MI, MN, ND, SD, WI)
Under Providers, choose Quality Improvement Projects and look for Home Dialysis to find:
Additional Resources
Comagine Health
ESRD Network 16 (AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)
This Network sends materials to dialysis clinics that are not on its website. Under Patients & Families, look for Treatment Options to find:
ESRD National Coordinating Center (NCC)
Forum of ESRD Networks
Under Professionals, look for Toolkits, then find:
Under Resources & News, look for Transitional Dialysis Care:
There could be other home dialysis resources that I didn’t find. If you read this blog and are aware of other ESRD Network, ESRD Network Coordinating Center, or Forum of ESRD Network resources on home dialysis that I didn’t list, please use Comments to add the resource with its name and the link to it. With this wealth of information, the regulatory mandate to inform patients about all options for treatment and settings, and CMS’ models that promote home dialysis, we should see an increase in the percentage of people with kidney failure who do home dialysis over time.
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