On Wednesday, Dr. Gibney appeared in a new live episode of DadviceTV discussing kidney tests and labs. When your numbers are good, you’ll feel better today, and you’ll increase your chances of staying healthy in the future
Learn more about kidney tests and lab work
Kidney disease may be SILENT, but lab work reveals a wealth of valuable information to help you and your doctors understand what’s going on inside your body.
All these numbers and tests can be intimidating, but we’ve compiled a few answers to your questions about labs in our latest blog…
- Should you be worried about your lab results?
- What kindey tests detect CKD?
- How often do you need lab work?
- What do all the numbers mean?
- What kind of data can you collect at home?
Learn more about kidney health on DadviceTV
Visit the DadviceTV YouTube channel for more episodes featuring kidney health thought leaders, including Dr. Richard Gibney’s recent interview about preserving kidney function.
- The Renal Warrior Project. Join Now
- Source: https://empoweredkidneycare.org/blog/dr-gibney-talks-kidney-tests-and-lab-work-on-dadvicetv/