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Did Covid come to save the vaccine?

June 2020

Let me go back … 4 years in time-line, to the dark COVID duty days in 2020 at one of the largest COVID facilities, Madras Medical College, Chennai.India.I still feel a sense of unease when I reflect on those harsh days, with bed-less patients gasping for breath and waiting in the long ambulance queues in our esteemed hospital.

I can’t recall how many times I was disrupted by the silent, final journey of body bags being transported to the mortuary ward. The fatigue and sickness affected doctors, fellows, nurses, and ward boys. Still, the hospital did a mind-boggling job of saving and caring for hundreds and thousands of patients through the agile administrative team.

June 2024

Putting those tough years back, I have since retired from my hospital. Now, why should I stumble upon this video from Dr Campbell. It shook me again. This is not an all-pervasive, fake, or exaggerated video clip from YouTube. It is, in my opinion, an uncontaminated truth. It took a 5-year chase to catch the truth, red-handed.

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Dr John Campell don’t need any Introduction. He was the only comforting voice and his daily briefing right through the pandemic was watched by millions. Now, in June 2024, he has to say this. Watch it fully if you can. You will learn in 15 minutes, the lifetime lessons of how biomolecular & viral laboratories work. Also, be aware of the dangerous game of making gene sequences of these microbial monsters proprietary.

Also, don’t miss the thundering statement, by the ex CDC director, that has a huge implications for humanity, (Who himself is a virologist) The summary of the video seems to convey a strong message. Let us pray for no more pandemics. If at all it happens, let it be a natural one that will definitely be less virulent for sure.

Final message

The title of this post is intentionally provocative, However, there is no evidence to disprove it. One thing is clear. Hundreds of virulent viral RNA and DNAs are waiting in unknown labs, at various stages of mutations and gain in function, itching to get into an animal or human domain.

What a pity, “My dear world” I thought, our esteemed scientists are working day and night to weaken the viruses but they are using all their energy, and do just the opposite.

It looks like, the world is no longer a safe place to live in. We are adding more things to worry about than, War, Poverty & climate change. The solution is never going to come from the Governments or WHO. It is in our minds, in the ability to resist fear-mongering. Let the Almighty give us the capacity, to identify and avoid the evil design, that has encircled us, with deceiving kindness, topped up with sweetly poisoned science. (How can we forget those nearly 100 billion Dollars worth of senseless RTPCRs, CT scans Remdesvirs, and their clones, that went down the drain without any purpose.)

Further watching

More sinister truths are hidden in the widely open corridors of WHO headquarters.(Watch this video link)