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Brexit – what does this mean for holidays abroad with dialysis?

Brexit update – 30th January 2020

Following the general election, the Withdrawal Agreement Bill was introduced to Parliament and a majority of MPs voted in favour of it. We will now be leaving the EU on the 31 January 2020 and then an implementation period of up to 11 months starts. During this time trade deals and other negotiations will take place. The latest possible end date of the implementation period is currently 31st December 2020 and there should be no change in regulatory or customs procedures during this time.

The government expect supplies, including medicines and medical goods, will continue to flow as usual during the implementation period. In addition, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will continue to be valid during this time. This means that that the cost of dialysis and other medical treatment that an individual receives in the EU Member States and associated countries will continue to be covered in accepting units.

However, we do recommend that people always take out appropriate travel insurance to cover aspects of healthcare the EHIC does not.

The current Withdrawal Agreement which is making its way through Parliament does not establish any replacement for the EHIC system. Instead, this will to be discussed during the transition period.

Here at Freedom we have a network of units that accept the EHIC to cover the cost of dialysis in Europe.

If you would like more information on holiday dialysis, and the areas we offer please visit our website:
     or call 01509815999 

EHIC cards are free and entitle you to reciprocal medical treatment in 31 EEA Countries, to apply for your card visit and search EHIC

Further information about a Visit to Europe from January 1st 2021 Click here