Put your Best Foot Forward this June
Take part in a sponsored walk, complete 70,951 steps throughout June to raise vital funds for kidney patients and their families, as well as stepping up your activity for better mental and physical health.
Once you have registered and started to fundraise and have at least £10.00 sponsorship, we’ll send you a FREE NKF Best Foot Forward challenge t-shirt to wear whilst smashing out your steps!
The 70,951 steps represent the amount of people in the UK who are on dialysis or have a kidney transplant.
How do I register?
Registering to take part is free and simple. Here’s how to join:
1. Fill out our registration form below
2. Set up your JustGiving page
Register via the blue form below
If you experience any issues with our registration form, please email [email protected] or call our office number on 01909 544999.
Once you have registered you will get:
• Access to our exclusive Facebook Group, share your steps with other #KidneyStrutters that are raising funds in support of the NKF.
• A FREE NKF branded Best Foot Forward Challenge T-shirt once you have raised £10.
• A free digital fundraising pack with tips and tricks to help you on your journey plus digital resources to help you to spread the word about your challenge!
Why take part?
In June 2023, participants in our Best Foot Forward challenge achieved an incredible fundraising milestone. The funds collected play a crucial role in sustaining a wide range of national patient support services that we provide.
Asif, a caller to the NKF Home Dialysis Peer Support Service shared…
“I found dialysing painful, isolating, and questioned how long I could do this for. Thankfully I contacted the National Kidney Federation and they matched me with someone who could relate to my experience, answer practical questions and advise on relevant support services. My peer supporter was someone who listened to my feelings and put my mind at ease. I can’t describe how grateful I was for this, as it was a time when I lost hope and didn’t know where to turn. Thank you NKF for finding me Patricia.”
Our 2023 #KidneyStrutters had a great time striving towards their step goal and fundraising in support of those affected by kidney disease:
Louise Harris and daughter Jessica
“My 9-year-old daughter Jessica has wanted to raise money for kidney patients for some time and we were waiting for the nicer weather. Jessica is aware of kidney disease as I have PKD myself and I am on Tolvaptan and have regular hospital check-ups. When we saw the National Kidney Federation’s Best Foot Forward Challenge in the Kidney Life magazine, Jessica jumped at the chance. We really enjoyed walking together in the lovely weather and were also joined by family members and friends. It also helped me to keep me healthy! I’m am so proud of Jessica and thankful to everyone who sponsored her.”
Barry Taplin
“In March 2022, I was privileged to have a kidney transplant. I have to admit, the first month or so I did struggle to get around the few steps from bedroom to bathroom was an achievement, but with patience my stamina gradually improved. From walking up the garden path to walking a few hundred yards down the lane. All this time I read about other people’s trials and tribulations via the National Kidney Federation’s Kidney Life magazine and thought actually I’m not doing too bad. With the help of the National Kidney Federation’s Best Foot Forward Challenge, I just kept increasing my fitness levels and I wanted to achieve the steps as a thank you… This was exact motivation I needed.”
What is the Best Foot Forward challenge?
The Best Foot Forward Challenge is a fundraiser, set up by the National Kidney Federation. Supporters raise money by taking on the challenge to walk 79,951 steps in support of the 70,951 that are on renal replacement therapy in the UK. You can take on the challenge in any way you wish, it can be done solo, as a team, in one week or spread across one month.
How do I fundraise?
Firstly, you will need to register via our registration form on this page. Once you have completed this step it is important to set up a JustGiving page for fundraisers. We will then send you out a free fundraising pack with a sponsorship form included. Raise £10 and get a FREE challenge t-shirt, the size of your choice. Once registered make sure to join our Facebook group here: LINK. Click ‘Join Group’ and be inspired by the rest of our supporters.
How do I return the fundraising money raised?
If you have created a JustGiving page there will be no action on your side required – your supporters’ donations will pay in automatically to the National Kidney Federation.
If you’ve raised offline, simply post your sponsorship form along with your sponsorship in the form of a cheque to: National Kidney Federation, The Point, Coach Road, Shireoaks, Worksop, S81 8BW.
When will I receive my Best Foot Forward t-shirt in the post?
Once you have raised £10 or more. If you have any issues with registering for the challenge or would like to contact the NKF about your fundraiser please email [email protected] or call our office number on 01909 544999.
Can I order my family/friends a t-shirt too?
Sending out your t-shirt comes at a cost to the National Kidney Federation so if you are able to please order additional t-shirts via our online shop here:
T Shirt
Please note: These t-shirts are currently exclusive to purchase. From 1st July 2024 they will no longer be available to purchase.
I don’t want a challenge t-shirt, can I select to opt out from receiving this?
To opt out, register via our online form and we’ll ask for your t-shirt size. Instead of selecting a size, just select ‘No challenge t-shirt thanks’ from the drop-down menu. You can then continue to register to the challenge and we won’t send you a t-shirt.
Do I have to start the challenge from 1st June or can I start my challenge late/early?
We encourage everyone involved with the challenge to complete it throughout the month of June, however this is a personal challenge and you can start/finish your challenge at a time that is convenient for you.
Do I need to prove that I have completed the challenge?
No, don’t worry, we encourage our supporters to just keep their family and friends updated on the challenge and to share the fundraising page.
How should I track my steps?
Strava or any other app you may be familiar with, phone or watch, or you can download and print our free steps tracker here.
I’m not able to complete 70,951 steps, can I still take part?
Of course! The challenge is for everyone. Whatever steps you do is in support of the kidney patients and the National Kidney Federation.
- The Renal Warrior Project. Join Now
- Source: https://www.kidney.org.uk/bff2024